~Psalm 1:4- The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
-The first part of this verse is referring back to verses 1-3. It's saying that the ungodly person does NOT have his delight in the law of the Lord. He DOESN'T bear fruit. The ungodly are not strongly rooted. This ungodly man represents the world. They don't care for the things of God. Their main focus is on thing that please them.
- In the second part of the verse it is saying that the ungodly man is like chaff and it blows away. A chaff is like a corn husk. So basically God is putting a corn husk and an ungodly man together and saying that they are as the same. The ungodly man does not have anything to hold onto through hard times. He has nobody to turn to for help. We, however, as believers in Christ have God and His perfect Word to get us through the hard times. Keep your foundation and beliefs in the Lord Jesus Christ.
~Psalm 1:5-Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
- This verse is saying that the ungodly won't make it through the judgement day. Without Jesus they wont make it through into Heaven. The sinners who have not repented of their sins will not be able to stand in the congregation of the Angels and Believers in Heaven after their judgement because of their sin.
- This is why it is very important that we win as many souls to Christ as we possibly can. No one knows how soon they will die. This is why we must be ready when our time comes. We must be ready for our judgement day to lay down our crowns at Jesus feet.
~Psalm 1:6- For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
- Here God is clearly saying that those who know Him will be with Him in Heaven when they die. But, those that don't know Him will be separated from God for the rest of eternity. They will live a life of pain and suffering in Hell.
- This should be a great burden on out hearts. We need to tell others about Jesus love so that we can all rejoice one day in Paradise with Jesus Christ!
~God Bless
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