~When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Many kids, teens, and adults see only an ugly face in their reflection. They just see their flaws and that makes them feel ugly. Maybe they have no flaws at all but something somebody might have said has made them feel inferior. That's not what God sees when He looks at you.
When you look at your body, what do you see? Many see imperfections. But, God sees his image. And the way he made you is perfect! There may be something "wrong" with the way you look, talk, or feel but God designed us to have these flaws to glorify Him.
-Height doesn't matter. Kick weight our the door. Scars, in the trash. Any "imperfection" you can find are just imperfections to you. God sees a perfect work of art. He knows what purpose you will serve and that's why He made you the way you are. We might not be the prettiest girl in our school,church, or friends. We might not have the biggest muscles in our school, church, or friends. But when God sees us He sees His creation. He sees a miracle.
~Think of all the things, that if you could, you would change about yourself.
Now look at this-
10 Unchangeable Things About Me
1. Parents 6. Birth order in your family
2. Time we live in 7. brothers and sisters
3. people groups 8. Physical features
4. Nationality 9. Mental capacities
5. Gender 10. Aging & Death
Were any of these thing on your list?
-Isaiah 53:2 talks about how outward beauty is not related to inward happiness. You don't have to be pretty or handsome to be happy. Some of the most miserable people are who most people thing are the best looking. True beauty comes from the heart. If you don't have love, then wheres your beauty?
True happiness comes from God. A life of total dependence on God will bring you true happiness.
~ Any "defect" you may have shows ownership. Who do you think allowed you to have that special "Flaw"? God did. Now thank God for that flaw and for showing His ownership on you by giving you this "defect".
~God Bless
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Devotional from Amy Charmichael
Colossians 1:11- Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and long suffering with joyfullness.
- Sometimes nothing help us more than to read and re-read some great word of our God's. We can renew our strength by reading it not just in one version, but in many. Each yields some new emphasis, some fresh light.
Colossians 1:11 is a fathomless word. Ponder these different translations.
Moffat: "May His glorious might nerver you with full power to endure and too be patient cheerfully, whatever comes."
Weymouth: "Since His power is so glorious, may you be strengthened with strength of every kind, and be prepared for cheerfully enduring all things with patience and longsuffering."
Way: "I ask Him that with all His strength you may be strengthened, even to the measure of the might of His divine majesty, till you attain to all-enduring patience and forbearance, which exults under suffering."
The devil will see to it that there is something to try the spirit today. He always sharpes his fiery darts. But he can do nothing against this shield.
~God Bless
- Sometimes nothing help us more than to read and re-read some great word of our God's. We can renew our strength by reading it not just in one version, but in many. Each yields some new emphasis, some fresh light.
Colossians 1:11 is a fathomless word. Ponder these different translations.
Moffat: "May His glorious might nerver you with full power to endure and too be patient cheerfully, whatever comes."
Weymouth: "Since His power is so glorious, may you be strengthened with strength of every kind, and be prepared for cheerfully enduring all things with patience and longsuffering."
Way: "I ask Him that with all His strength you may be strengthened, even to the measure of the might of His divine majesty, till you attain to all-enduring patience and forbearance, which exults under suffering."
The devil will see to it that there is something to try the spirit today. He always sharpes his fiery darts. But he can do nothing against this shield.
~God Bless
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A few thoughts from some of the early years of Amy Carmichaels life.

For over a hundred years the flour mill in the seaside village of Millisle in Northern Ireland was wehre many of the villagers worked. Others farmed and fished, but they too were involved with the flour mill because the farmers took their grain there to be made into flour, and the fishermen's wives bought their bread flour at the mill. For all of that time the mill belonged to the Carmichael family.
1867 was an exciting year for the young Carmichael couple because they were expecting their first child. She was born just nine dayse before Christmas, and they called the little girl Amy Beatrice.
Amy ws not to be the only child of the mill owners; six others were born over the years that followed.
It was a very busy household. There were probably only three times in the day when the house was quiet. One was when the children were all tucked up in bed and asleep and the other two were when the family met round the table to have morning and evening prayers.
Amy had a special time each night. "After the nursery light was turned low and i was quite alone," she told a friend once, "I used to smooth a little place on the sheet and say aloud, but softly, to our Father, "Please come and sit with me". Amy was not talking about her dad, she was talking about her heavenly Father.
One day Amy and Mrs. Carmichael had gone out shopping in Belfast where they also had tea. That night Amy sat down by the fire with her family to tell of her day in Belfast. "A little girl came and stood near the door and looked through the window of the tea-shop," she told the other children, "delicious cakes and sweets were set out in the window. As we left we saw the little girl with her face pressed close to the glass. She was looking at all the cakes and sweets. She was a poor little girl in a thin ragged dress. It was raining, and her bare feet on the wet pavement looked very cold."
When Father called the family to have worshop, Amy was not the only one who prayed for that poor little girl. And when her brothers and sisters were tucked up in bed that night, Amy sat on by the nursery fire. She couldn't get that poor girl out of her mind, so much so that she wrote a poem about her.
-When I grow up and money have,
I know what I will do,
I'll build a great big lovely place,
For little girls like you.
~It is just amazing to me that she had such a caring heart and a heart willing to work for God at such and early age. This is a precious thing to have. And it is even more special when your reach that at a young age. She cared so deeply for that one little girl, that she wrote a poem about her. She cared enough about the welfare of the other girls like that ONE little girl in the window, to know thats what she wanted to do for her lifes work.
We need to have that willing heart for God. Come on! There are souls burning in Hell right now and we arent doing anything about it! We need to forget about our own personal needs and our many comforts and go out, and teach the Gospel. Show people Christs love! We need to have a Servants Heart to do Gods will.
A song that I learned just this year has become my favorite song. The words are so powerful! The key part of the song is - Lord Send me anywhere. Only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me.
This song is just AMAZING and so convicting. Are we really willing for the Lord to send us anywhere? Amy had that heart. She was willing to go where the Lord sent her. Are we?
~God Bless
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Psalm 1:4-6
~Psalm 1:4- The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
-The first part of this verse is referring back to verses 1-3. It's saying that the ungodly person does NOT have his delight in the law of the Lord. He DOESN'T bear fruit. The ungodly are not strongly rooted. This ungodly man represents the world. They don't care for the things of God. Their main focus is on thing that please them.
- In the second part of the verse it is saying that the ungodly man is like chaff and it blows away. A chaff is like a corn husk. So basically God is putting a corn husk and an ungodly man together and saying that they are as the same. The ungodly man does not have anything to hold onto through hard times. He has nobody to turn to for help. We, however, as believers in Christ have God and His perfect Word to get us through the hard times. Keep your foundation and beliefs in the Lord Jesus Christ.
~Psalm 1:5-Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
- This verse is saying that the ungodly won't make it through the judgement day. Without Jesus they wont make it through into Heaven. The sinners who have not repented of their sins will not be able to stand in the congregation of the Angels and Believers in Heaven after their judgement because of their sin.
- This is why it is very important that we win as many souls to Christ as we possibly can. No one knows how soon they will die. This is why we must be ready when our time comes. We must be ready for our judgement day to lay down our crowns at Jesus feet.
~Psalm 1:6- For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
- Here God is clearly saying that those who know Him will be with Him in Heaven when they die. But, those that don't know Him will be separated from God for the rest of eternity. They will live a life of pain and suffering in Hell.
- This should be a great burden on out hearts. We need to tell others about Jesus love so that we can all rejoice one day in Paradise with Jesus Christ!
~God Bless
-The first part of this verse is referring back to verses 1-3. It's saying that the ungodly person does NOT have his delight in the law of the Lord. He DOESN'T bear fruit. The ungodly are not strongly rooted. This ungodly man represents the world. They don't care for the things of God. Their main focus is on thing that please them.
- In the second part of the verse it is saying that the ungodly man is like chaff and it blows away. A chaff is like a corn husk. So basically God is putting a corn husk and an ungodly man together and saying that they are as the same. The ungodly man does not have anything to hold onto through hard times. He has nobody to turn to for help. We, however, as believers in Christ have God and His perfect Word to get us through the hard times. Keep your foundation and beliefs in the Lord Jesus Christ.
~Psalm 1:5-Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
- This verse is saying that the ungodly won't make it through the judgement day. Without Jesus they wont make it through into Heaven. The sinners who have not repented of their sins will not be able to stand in the congregation of the Angels and Believers in Heaven after their judgement because of their sin.
- This is why it is very important that we win as many souls to Christ as we possibly can. No one knows how soon they will die. This is why we must be ready when our time comes. We must be ready for our judgement day to lay down our crowns at Jesus feet.
~Psalm 1:6- For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
- Here God is clearly saying that those who know Him will be with Him in Heaven when they die. But, those that don't know Him will be separated from God for the rest of eternity. They will live a life of pain and suffering in Hell.
- This should be a great burden on out hearts. We need to tell others about Jesus love so that we can all rejoice one day in Paradise with Jesus Christ!
~God Bless
Monday, July 19, 2010
Psalm 1:1-3
~Psalm 1:1- Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
-We, as Christians, should be like the man this verse talks about. We shouldn't follow the example of the world. Sure we dont have to stick out like a sore thumb but think about it. The way we behave, the kind of music we listen to, the ways we may dress.. are some of these ways following the world or the Lord? If Jesus returned again and came into YOUR house would you have to go throw away your music? Turn of the radio? Hide your movies? Delete memory from your computer? Should we be identifying with the world so much that people cant see that we are different?
Also we shouldn't have friends that will just bring us down. A good friend isn't a friend that encourages you to do bad things, but is one that encourages you to do the right things. Make the right choices. Peer pressure is a dangerous thing. Be careful in your choice of close friends.
This verse is saying- "blessed is the man that walketh NOT in the council of the ungodly. Don't walk with the world, walk with the LORD!
~Psalm 1:2- But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
- Instead of being the one that follows the WORLD we need to be that ONE person that will really delight in Gods word. We should be that ONE person that has a real, true, fellowship with God. This is time consuming but it is not wasted time, whatsoever! Pray, read your Bible, Praise the Lord with singing.
As Followers of Christ our delight should be in the wondrous attributes of God and not the deceitful things of the world.
~Psalm 1:3- And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
-We should be that tree. We should be watered by the Word of God. We should be the ones going out, all over the world, and bearing fruit by sharing the gospel with others. We should be bearing fruit all the time.
-How many times have you walked by someone in the store, at a party, in a park, at a pool and you KNOW that you felt the Holy Spirit telling you to go and speak to that person. You knew what you were supposed to do but you were afraid. Many times this has been the case with me. I would think "what if they just keep on walking? what if I forget what the Bible says? What if this. what if that." And Ive realized that by not talking to them I directly disobeyed God and possibly just sent that person straight to Hell. Its a terrifying thought knowing that you could have done something but you chose not to.
- We need to be that person that points them in the right direction. Show them Christs love. Bear good fruit! We have only one life and we need to use this one and only life we have here on earth in the best way possible. We should share Jesus love!
- In the verse it says that his leaf shall not wither. We shouldn't loose our love for Christ. We should replenish it! Restore it! Renew it! Whatsoever we do to the glory of God will prosper into something much greater!
~God Bless
-We, as Christians, should be like the man this verse talks about. We shouldn't follow the example of the world. Sure we dont have to stick out like a sore thumb but think about it. The way we behave, the kind of music we listen to, the ways we may dress.. are some of these ways following the world or the Lord? If Jesus returned again and came into YOUR house would you have to go throw away your music? Turn of the radio? Hide your movies? Delete memory from your computer? Should we be identifying with the world so much that people cant see that we are different?
Also we shouldn't have friends that will just bring us down. A good friend isn't a friend that encourages you to do bad things, but is one that encourages you to do the right things. Make the right choices. Peer pressure is a dangerous thing. Be careful in your choice of close friends.
This verse is saying- "blessed is the man that walketh NOT in the council of the ungodly. Don't walk with the world, walk with the LORD!
~Psalm 1:2- But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
- Instead of being the one that follows the WORLD we need to be that ONE person that will really delight in Gods word. We should be that ONE person that has a real, true, fellowship with God. This is time consuming but it is not wasted time, whatsoever! Pray, read your Bible, Praise the Lord with singing.
As Followers of Christ our delight should be in the wondrous attributes of God and not the deceitful things of the world.
~Psalm 1:3- And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
-We should be that tree. We should be watered by the Word of God. We should be the ones going out, all over the world, and bearing fruit by sharing the gospel with others. We should be bearing fruit all the time.
-How many times have you walked by someone in the store, at a party, in a park, at a pool and you KNOW that you felt the Holy Spirit telling you to go and speak to that person. You knew what you were supposed to do but you were afraid. Many times this has been the case with me. I would think "what if they just keep on walking? what if I forget what the Bible says? What if this. what if that." And Ive realized that by not talking to them I directly disobeyed God and possibly just sent that person straight to Hell. Its a terrifying thought knowing that you could have done something but you chose not to.
- We need to be that person that points them in the right direction. Show them Christs love. Bear good fruit! We have only one life and we need to use this one and only life we have here on earth in the best way possible. We should share Jesus love!
- In the verse it says that his leaf shall not wither. We shouldn't loose our love for Christ. We should replenish it! Restore it! Renew it! Whatsoever we do to the glory of God will prosper into something much greater!
~God Bless
About "A life 4 Christ.
This blog is mainly to encourage all of us! I pray that you will get something out of the daily devotionals that i will be posting! This is my first time to ever creat a blog so I cant wait to see how this will turn out! If you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment or somethin! Hope you have a WONDERFUL day!! God Bless!
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